On Tue, Dec 5, 2023 at 2:30 PM Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Key continuity is a much better security property than what key
> rotation provides. Loss of key continuity exposed Diginotar. Why would
> LE discourage it?

This is contrary to the current industry consensus. Root programs are
moving to limit CA lifetimes: Mozilla recently instituted a policy
that root key material will not be trusted for more than 15 years, and
Chrome has announced their desire
limit root certificates to 7 years and intermediate certificates to 3
years. We prefer to be proactive, and also prefer to have a buffer between
our practices and the strictest requirements, so we are shortening our
intermediate lifetimes now.

Note also that, while Google did detect the fraudulent diginotar *.
google.com certificate thanks to HPKP key pinning, it was the root key that
was pinned, not an intermediate. And at the time, we didn't yet have
certificate transparency logs, let alone browsers enforcing the presence of

> What advantages?

Today, every time we switch to new intermediates we have to deal with the
problem Hanno Böck described -- breakages because people have setups that
assume our intermediates will be static. This happens regularly, because
intermediates expire. Switching to a system where the intermediates are
changing constantly forces clients to be able to properly use the
intermediate which actually issued the new certificate, rather than making
assumptions about that intermediate. This will prevent similar breakages
when we issue the next batch of intermediates.

Basically, we're trading a slightly higher expected breakage / support load
during this intermediate transition for drastically lower breakage during
all future intermediate transitions.

Hmmm... We use Apache, SSLCertificateChainFile and SSLCertificateFile.
> LE is just creating more work for us.

To the best of my knowledge, there are multiple ACME clients that can
populate Apache's SSLCertificateChainFile from the intermediate provided
along with the certificate at the end of the ACME issuance flow.


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