Duane wrote:
> you'd think the browsers with their cries of standards and
> openness so they don’t get locked out by Microsoft wouldn't be so quick
> to jump on this band wagon, but the complete opposite is true.
It's also striking to read the introduction of the guidelines:

"The CA/Browser Forum is a voluntary _*open*_ organization of
certification authorities and vendors of Internet browser
software and other applications."

It's about as open as Microsoft's kernel...
> EV certs are being touted by Microsoft as preventing phishing, but as so
> few phishing attacks utilise SSL at present this claim is laudable at best.
With currently only 0.25 % of pishing sites using SSL certification
(including self signed) as shown on this list earlier (source
netcracft), this is certainly the wrong reason for EV
certification...even the guidelines themselves, lists pishing only as
secondary purpose...

Signer:      Eddy Nigg, StartCom Ltd.
Phone:       +1.213.341.0390
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