The CA certificate policy[0] states, in part:

"We require that all CAs whose certificates are distributed with our software products provide some service relevant to typical users of our software products."

We have interpreted this to include standard commercial CAs, other CAs who sell certificates to anyone or almost anyone, and government-run CAs. We have interpreted it to exclude CAs which are internal to a business or organisation.

We have two outstanding applications for inclusion from CAs who represent not a national government, but a regional government. They are from the regional government of Catalonia, Spain[1] and the city government of Vienna, Austria[2].

The inclusion of a CA incurs a cost - in time to evaluate the request (and we do have a backlog), in download size, and in marginally increased risk of a failure of the system by e.g. private key compromise. We have to balance that against the expected usefulness of the root certificate to our users.

We are, at this time, uncertain as to where and how to draw the line, and so are putting the issue here for discussion. Options include, but are not limited to, excluding all CAs serving less than a country, including all CAs who apply, and shipping some certs in some builds and not in others. Thoughts?

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