I've filed a bug against myself (399214) to update the current Mozilla 
CA certificate policy to address the issue of "extended validation" 
certificates. Part of that process involves public discussion of exactly 
  what changes need to be made. Here are some quick thoughts of my own; 
note that these are somewhat tentative, but I'm putting them out here to 
get feedback.

First, just to review: Now that the CAB Forum has published version 1.0 
of the EV guidelines:


we've had a number of CAs asking for their root CAs to be marked as 
capable of issuing EV certificates, so that they can be accorded any 
special UI present in Firefox 3 and related products to display identity 
information in SSL certs. (See for example bugs 398944 and 383183.) 
However just as we have a formal policy for deciding whether to add a 
particular root CA certificate for "normal" use, we should also have a 
formal policy for marking a root CA's certificate as EV-capable (as 
noted by Eddy Nigg and others).

As noted in the bug, I think an EV-enabled root CA cert is simply a 
special case of root CA certs in general, so we don't need a whole new 
separate policy. At the same time I don't want to revise every section 
of the existing policy, and if possible I'd like to avoid changes that 
necessitate renumbering and reorganizing the current sections of the 
policy. I'm therefore leaning toward having an EV addendum to the 
policy, and putting all the EV-related stuff there. Then we could simply 
modify section 6 ("We require ...") to add an additional paragraph 
pointing to the addendum. This would result in a version 1.1 of the 
overall Mozilla CA cert policy.

In terms of the addendum itself, obviously we can reference the CAB 
Forum guidelines document (formally, "Guidelines for the Issuance and
Management of Extended Validation Certificates, Version 1.0") as the 
governing criteria. There's a broader question of whether in theory we 
could or should accord "EV-style" treatment to CAs that don't strictly 
speaking conform to the guidelines, but conform to other guidelines 
deemed to be equivalent. I'd like to declare that question out of scope 
for now, as there's no obvious candidates today for alternative 
guidelines (at least AFAIK).

In terms of audits associated with "EV-ness", I'm a little unclear on 
what other documents need to be referenced. Section J of the EV 
guidelines spells out the high-level audit requirements: basically 
either go through the WebTrust EV process or a process deemed as 
equivalent by the CAB Forum. There's a document "WebTrust for 
Certification Authorities - WebTrust Extended Validation Audit Criteria" 
on the CAB Forum web site; however it's marked as draft and the 
guidelines themselves don't mention it by name AFAICT. (The guidelines 
instead use the term "WebTrust EV Program".) My initial conclusion is 
that we don't need to reference the WebTrust draft document, but can 
confine ourselves to referencing the relevant section(s) of the guidelines.

Finally, I'm open to suggestions on other possible changes to the 
Mozilla CA certificate policy unrelated to EV certs. However I reserve 
the right to postpone such consideration of such changes to a future 
version of the policy (e.g., 1.2) if there's no immediate strong 
consensus on the need for any such change and the associated "patch" to 
the policy itself. My primary goal is to address the EV-related policy 
changes, and to do so as expeditiously as possible.

Anyway, if you have comments on this general topic please feel free to 
post them here. In the meantime I'll work to come up with an initial 
draft of proposed changes to the policy text, and will post that to the 
bug when done.


Frank Hecker
dev-security mailing list

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