
Jay Schiavo (VeriSign) has been corresponding with Frank Hecker and in  
bugs about the VeriSign certificates.  I suggest following up with  
either of them.



On 4-Mar-08, at 2:10 PM, Andrews, Rick wrote:

> VeriSign has a number of root certificates (not just EV certs) pending
> approval to be included in the trust store. It's pretty important to  
> us
> that all these roots make it into FF3.
> Can anyone tell me if it's likely that these certs will be approved in
> time for FF3?
> -Rick
> -- 
> Rick Andrews                 __o    Phone: 650-426-3401
> VeriSign, Inc.             _ \>,_   Fax:   650-426-5195
> 487 E. Middlefield Rd. ...(_)/ (_)  URL:   www.verisign.com
> Mountain View, CA  94043            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Human Shield

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