Sid Stamm wrote:
> Gervase Markham wrote:
>>> If a server is to rely on CSP to reliably enforce security constraints
>> If it's doing that, it's broken. CSP is explicitly not designed for
>> this. (As I understand it.)
> Maybe it's not completely bad for browsers to advertise whether or not
> they support CSP (and which versions).  There's a benefit for web
> developers who can decide to serve more restricted/filtered content to
> browsers that won't "catch them when they fall". 

If there's additional filtering they know how to do, they should be
doing it for everyone.

> example, consider a webmaster who is just learning some new technology
> X may not be comfortable enough to serve X content without a safety
> net that CSP provides, but is being pressured to add features to his
> site.  

Then he shouldn't use X. (Who designed X to be unsafe by default? Go
shoot them. :-)

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