Sid Stamm wrote:
>> Also, the “blocked-headers” is defined as required, but not all
>> schemes (specifically, FTP and FILE) do not use headers.
> Removed the requirement to send "request-headers" from the XML schema
> (implied optional).

Just jumping off here on a related topic: What do we send as the
"blocked-uri" when we find inline script? Since this is perhaps the most
common injection type this would be a good one for an example.

I suppose we could leave blocked-uri empty and let people infer that it
was inline script from the violated directive. I'd rather be explicit
about it, but then "blocked-uri" might be the wrong name. Or do we leave
the blocked-uri empty (absent, or present-but-empty?) and use a keyword
like <violated-directive>inline script</violated-directive>

For clarification, if the entire policy was "allow self"
and we tried to load an image in violation of that policy, would the
violated-directive be the implied img-src or the allow fall-back that is
actually specified? I imagine it would be the allow directive.

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