Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote on 7/17/2009 2:26 AM: 
> Daniel Veditz wrote:
>> CSP is designed so that mistakes of omission tend to break the site
>> break. This won't introduce subtle bugs, rudimentary content testing
>> will quickly reveal problems.
> But won't authors fail to understand how to solve the problem, and open
> everything wide ? From experience, that's what happens with technologies
> that are too complex.

If authors believe it's too complex, I would imagine they wouldn't implement it 
at all; but if they do configure it wide open, it's the equivalent of not using 
it -- the net result is identical, except perhaps Ian's suggestion that an 
uninformed author would mistakenly believe they were protected.

An external validation tool could help authors understand what their CSP rules 
are actually allowing/preventing (maybe something similar to 
 To compliment it, another handy tool would be a browser plug-in that could 
help create CSP rules based on how the site actually works.

> A simpler syntax for simple case really would help, it's just that Ian
> is coming a bit late for this.

What specific changes do you recommend that would make it easier to use, but 
still function properly?

There appears to be a disconnect between the audience CSP is actually targeting 
vs. the general audience some believe it is targeting.  CSP is non-trivial; it 
takes a bit of work to configure it properly and requires on-going maintenance 
as the site evolves.  It's not targeted to the uninformed author, it simply 
isn't possible to achieve that kind of coverage -- I suspect in the pool of all 
authors, the majority of them don't even know what XSS is, let alone ways to 
code against it and using CSP to augment defense.

- Bil

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