Adam Barth wrote:
2) It seems like an attacker can easily circumvent this module by
submitting a form to and then generating the forged
request (which will be sent with cookies because doesn't
enables the anti-csrf directive).

I agree. It seems anti-csrf (as currently defined) would be most beneficial for defending against CSRF attacks that don't require any user action beyond simply viewing the page (e.g., <img src="attack">).

Form actions would perhaps require some additional constraints, such as only allowing submission to |self| or other whitelisted URIs.

Link activation is harder, because (I would assume) most websites want to allow links to different-origin URIs. And as you stated, not sending cookies here doesn't help because the link could go to, and the page can contain an image based CSRF (thus the threshold for successful attack is still 1 click).

Thanks for the feedback,

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