People generally agree that "content restrictions" are a good idea and
will be a useful tool for websites.  Various designs have emerged with
different approaches as to how restrictions should be defined by sites
and applied by browsers.  I would like to propose a framework with which
to evaluate and compare the designs to help guide us to a common solution.

The following can be used to determine the costs and benefits of any
particular model for content restrictions:

1. How flexible is the model?  How many different use cases does the
model support?  Does the model allow sites to keep their baseline
functionality intact?

2. How easy is the model to implement for web sites? How much
specialized knowledge is required by admins?

3. What will the process of developing an appropriate policy look like
for a given model?

4. How easy does the model make it for an organization to reason about
the correctness or optimality of their policy?

5. How will the model fit into organizations' existing workflows?  For
example, how easily will organizations who currently perform positive or
negative testing incorporate the model?

6. How extensible is the model? How will the model handle future changes
such as the addition of a new directive, changes in the semantics of an
existing directive (e.g. script-src now restricts plugins'
scriptability), or a change in default behavior (inline style now
blocked by default)?

Please feel free to add any additional criteria that seem appropriate.


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