On 2/21/10 10:45 PM, Manuel Reimer wrote:
> my distributor, so far, didn't publish an updated package, so I'll have
> to keep with an old Firefox for some days.
> For all of the current holes, disabling Javascript seems to be OK for
> the meantime, according to your advisories, so I did so.
> Does this also work for the following hole:
> http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/2010/mfsa2010-03.html

Disabling JavaScript should protect you for the time being. It
doesn't actually prevent the underlying parser flaw but people would
have to invent new techniques for manipulating memory without scripts.

Plugins essentially count as scripts for this purpose though, so you
need to turn those off too. Or use FlashBlock and only play videos
you're confident are OK--let other people go first :-)

-Dan Veditz
dev-security mailing list

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