On 2/28/10 6:43 PM, Axel Dahmen wrote:
> Actually I still can't find a fair reason for omitting the option of
> allowing HTML <meta> tags to provide CSP directives.
> * By means of the intersection algorithm, a <meta> CSP directive can
> only tighten security but not loosen.
> * Disallowing <meta> tags would cause a significant number of private
> websites to not being able to use this security feature. Does someone
> really want to exclude all these users from the spec? Just because it
> would cause more effort implementing it? What's more important?

If we knew that there really were "all these users" clamoring to use
CSP it might be worth working through the complexities, but until we
get a working version out there we won't really know what works and
what doesn't in the real world. It is far, far easier to add <meta>
support later if we need it than to remove a feature if we decide
it's not working out.

Not too worried about injected <meta> tags, we just have to make
sure it can only restrict the page further (which we already have to
do to support multiple HTTP headers).

How do we handle a <meta> tag that comes after some content which a
policy should have regulated? If we decide to only honor <meta> tags
that "come first" then injecting such a header can disable CSP. If
we enforce CSP from that point on there's still page content that
avoided the policy. We could re-parse the entire page and enforce
things the second time around but the injection may have been able
to do its damage already.

This is not an academic question, I've seen a lot of pages with
malware content injected above the normal page content. Is "best
effort" CSP enforcement good enough? Would we be fostering a false
sense of security by supporting <meta>?

"effort" isn't why we cut it. The policy is designed to protect the
integrity of the content and it's much easier to reason about its
security properties and effectiveness when it's delivered external
to that content.

If CSP turns out to be an effective and accepted solution (no inline
scripts is pretty radical) and there's a need for <meta> support we
can add that during the standardization process. At the moment it's
hard to imagine who would benefit from it, though. Yes, I know there
are a lot of people who can't change their headers, but do those
people run web applications that could suffer from XSS and other
attacks CSP addresses?

-Dan Veditz
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