I am in a xulrunner app. A part needs to communicate a lot with the Internet, and I want to wall that off. (Specifically, I want to need a map using OpenLayers and OpenStreetMap vector data APIs.) Thus. I want to load an HTML file that is part of the app with restricted web content rights - it must not be able to load local files ouTside the xul app code.

What's the best way?
I have a <browser type="content"> and load the HTML file via resource: (by adding a resource line to chrome.manifest).

My questions:
1. I am not sure that resource: can't load local files outside resource:, but I could test that. some definite statement would be nice, though.

2. if my resource://...html page tries to do an XMLHttpRequest to a web server, and it fails at the same origin check. Is there a way to disable the check in the prefs? Preferably specifically for this resource: to this one http server. In any case, the untrusted page must not be able to access arbitrary local files, e.g. via XMLHttpRequest to file:///, but only to http:.

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