On 10/7/10 12:45 PM, =JeffH wrote:
> Ok, suppose I have this origin i wish to protect 
> "https://www.example.com";, the origins "http://example.com"; and 
> "https://example.com"; redirect to the former,

I'm not sure of the relevance of the re-directs here. You don't
include plain example.com in any of your policies so attempts to
load content from there will be blocked before it gets a chance to

If you do load content from a host which redirects, each host in the
redirect chain must show up in the whitelist.

> X-Content-Security-Policy:               \ allow 'self'
> \     -- returns HTML https://sub1.example.com              \
> --    "    JS, CSS https://sub2.example.com              \     --
> "    IMGs

Since your original host is HTTPS you don't need to specify it on
the above, although the redundancy doesn't hurt.

> foo.otherexample.com                  \     --    "    IMGs 
> bar.yetanotherexample.com ;           \     --    "    IMGs

These hosts inherit the https:// scheme. Not that I'm encouraging
mixed-mode, but if these are intended to be http: servers you need
to specify it. In practice the scheme issue is more likely to come
up in an http: page that includes https: elements--the https: would
have to be explicit in the policy. Also, https:'self' isn't valid.
If you're loading resources from yourself securely and insecurely
you'll have to spell out the host name at least once.

If you know for a fact that JS will _ONLY_ come from
sub1.example.com then I would strongly urge adding "script-src
sub1.example.com;" to the policy to protect against HTML injection
of a <script> tag pointing at one of the other hosts. You have
(presumably) no control over foo.otherexample.com so why risk your
site's security on their ability to secure their site?

In fact, I'd strongly recommend every policy explicitly identify
both script-src and object-src directives (and use 'none' if you
can). Beyond that you can decide if you want to whitelist by type or
be lazy (or positive spin: header-space conserving) and use a
catch-all "allow" directive.

In the policy above your site might only have HTML, JS, CSS and
IMGs, but by using the allow policy you're allowing injection of
<embed>, @font-face, <video> and frames to any of the list of
specified domains.

> 1. should one consider setting CSP policies for the other
> origins one controls, eg sub1.example.com and/or sub1.example.com
> ?

Currently we're only looking at CSP for document loads (including
frames). "Content Security Policy" is a broad term and we expect
there will be interest in adding other kinds of policy in the future.

> to prevent anything from "working" if one loads directly from one
> of those origins ("just in case"), then one could imagine having
> them emit a "allow 'none'" policy of their own.

That would work if they're loaded as documents. The in-line content
could still be framed unless you also add "ancestor-frames 'none';"
(or https://www.example.com or whatever is appropriate).

> 2. the other origins not under example.com's admin control might
> for whatever reason emit their own CSP policies.

They might, but they won't do anything except when loaded as framed
documents. Apart from CSP those sites can also use X-Frame-Options:
DENY to prevent framing, ancestor-frames is just the same feature
with finer-grained control (we considered extending X-Frame-Options
instead but that breaks interoperability with other browsers). Apart
from framing sites can inspect Referer: and possibly Origin: to
prevent resource use. If your page is including 3rd party content
you should have some kind of an understanding with that content's host.

> 3. how do any CSP policies emitted by these origins other than 
> "https://www.example.com"; interact with the latter's policy? The
> CSP draft spec presently explicitly says (emphasis added)..
> "When multiple instances of the X-Content-Security-Policy HTTP
> header are present in /an HTTP response/..."

This doesn't apply to the case you're asking about. The policies on
different resources aren't mixed, but a single resource might have
multiple X-Content-Secuity-Policy headers. In the bad case maybe one
or more of them is maliciously injected, so we want to tighten
policies rather than loosen. Better header injection lead to Denial
of Service than that it let an attacker enable XSS on your site.

Multiple headers might arise legitimately if a web app specified a
restrictive policy for an individual page while the site's server
infrastructure imposed a looser blanket policy on everything loaded
from that domain.

I'm not sure how useful this will be in practice, but it was either
intersect the policies or assume multiple headers are an attack and
switch to "allow 'none';".

-Dan Veditz
dev-security mailing list

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