On 12/27/10 5:41 PM, Logan wrote:
> Good Evening;
> I was quite surprised to see this in my email this evening. I'm not sure what 
> this is about or even if it's legit. Can someone please take a look at it and 
> let me know.
> Thank you,
> Walter Reinhart

This is legit

I believe the mail you forwarded was only sent to the subset of
users whose password was stored using a crackable MD5 hash.
Apparently you had an old account on addons.mozilla.org, not used
since before April 2009. Users who had logged in since then had
their password converted to a more secure form. You should consider
whatever password you used there compromised -- hopefully you aren't
using the same password elsewhere.

-Dan Veditz
dev-security mailing list

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