On 3/24/11 10:04 AM, Florian Coulmier wrote:
>> Hum, strange. It is flagged as phishing under both Firefox and Chrome
>> for me. I have tried on several computers.
>> Could it be a country-based policy ?

I don't believe so. At least there's nothing in the request that
signifies the country and Google hasn't told us they use GeoIP for
the responses.

Are you sure it was flagged as phishing and not malware? We (and
Chrome) check against both lists. There are slight wording changes
in the block message to indicate which is which.

Our code looks for the tables goog-phish-shavar and
goog-malware-shavar. You mention googpub-phish-shavar in your
original message. According to this old chromium bug they are
different, but I don't know what the differences are. When we worked
with Google to use the service we just used the ones they told us to


-Dan Veditz
dev-security mailing list

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