I've been infected by malware today
called  XP Anti-Virus 2011
Avira skiped it - at the time just a few antyviruses detect it.
How I got it
ff4 on windows xp sp3 running with admin rights (i know stupid)

ran this google search
 and went to this address
at this stage nothing happens unless you click anywhere on the page
then a new windows pops out
after a few seconds I got alert from windows security manager telling
me my firewall is disaled, firefox has been closed and I got annoying
shiled with fake virus scan.
I went to safe mode and spent good half hour before manually getting
rid of this crap, it took ever exe extension in order to run itself
even in safe mode.

I've tired to run firefox again in sandbox but it seems not to trigger
this infection again.

There was no interacton form my side, just new window popped and thats
Can anyone recreate this steps in order to finad a way how this
byspassed firefox ?

How can I help with investigation ?
I've got sample of the trojan but don't think this would explain
possible security breach in firefox.

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