On 17/08/11 13:21, Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
> http://ashkansoltani.org/docs/respawn_redux.html
> http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2011/08/new_undeletable.html
> Some interesting precisions by Ashkan there in comments : "clearing the
> cache AND deleting all other forms of storage (HTML5, Flash, etc) would
> technically delete identifiers between sessions [...] However, within
> the same session, you're still able to be tracked across domains [...]
> services likes these are using practically every known method to
> circumvent user attempts to protect their privacy [...] creating a
> perpetual game of privacy 'whack-a-mole'"

Quite so. And when that fails, there are other mechanisms they can try.

We have Do Not Track. That should be a general,
tracking-technology-independent signal of intent. If you switch it on
and certain companies persistently refuse to honour it, you can start
blocking all contact with their domains (perhaps using AdBlock).


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