On Tue, 24 Jan 2012 15:33:37 -0800 (PST)
Ian Melven wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> in a current FF 9 release I see the following prefs :
> javascript.options.jitprofiling.chrome;true
> javascript.options.jitprofiling.content;true
> javascript.options.methodjit.chrome;true
> javascript.options.methodjit.content;true
> javascript.options.methodjit_always;false
> javascript.options.tracejit.chrome;true
> javascript.options.tracejit.content;true
> does setting these options to false let Firefox run under PAX 
> with RWX disabled ?
> (also please note that there is no more tracejit in Firefox 10 and later)
> thanks !
> ian

Hi, thanks for responding.

Unfortunately not.
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