Syd wrote:
> allows form submissions and users switching from Mail expect
> similar behaviour with TB.
> I understand the phishing risks but for enterprise apps, its critical
> to have form submissions in mail clients.
> Simple option is to have form submissions enabled via a preference,
> and set it to disabled by default.

If it were up to me, I would avoid rendering <form> and related elements at 
all, similar to Outlook. This would be a much better UX than displaying the 
user non-functional forms.

" does it" isn't a very convincing argument, IMO. "Outlook does it" 
would be more convincing when considering enterprise use cases. From what I can 
tell from Googling around, at least Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010 do not 
support HTML forms [1].

IMO, it is not reasonable to expect/require email applications--especially 
webmail applications--to safely and correctly support HTML forms. There are 
many potential security problems. For example, how would HTML forms with input 
type=password be correctly supported by webmail applications, given that web 
browsers would likely auto-fill said password fields with the user's email 
username/password? Right now they can handle this in a very safe way--simply 
add <form>, <input>, and related elements to their blacklists. In a world where 
email clients are expected to support HTML forms, they must implement much more 
subtle logic.

Further, the user should be aware of what credentials will be in use in the 
submission of the form. This would require Thunderbird to determine which HTTP 
cookies and/or HTTP auth credentials and/or TLS client auth credentials would 
be used in the form submission, and it would require Thunderbird to somehow 
coherently display those credentials to the user before passing the request to 
the web browser. That is basically impossible to do. It is much safer to have 
the email contain a link to an HTML document that contains the form, so that 
the HTML application with the form can display the credentials that will be 

Also, webmail applications wouldn't be able to submit such forms if they use 
methods other than GET unless the target site supported CORS. And, also, 
there's no way to pass a non-GET request to an external web browser on the 
command line. This means that such forms would be limited to GET. But, this 
limitation would encourage developers that rely on HTML forms in email to 
mis-use GET to implement forms that have side-effects, which is bad.

- Brian

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