I won't be able to make the call, but I've left one comment inline:

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 10:15 PM, ptheriault <ptheria...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Chris,
> Below is a summary of threats and controls for further discussion. 
> Disclaimer: this is my understanding from various conversations, wiki pages, 
> bugs and IRC chats, so it's rough, probably varies from whats implemented (or 
> what the final goals are), but its a starting point. Ultimately the aim is a 
> considered security model with security controls commensurate to the threats 
> posed, but to start with I want to start a discussion regarding what threats 
> have been considered so far in the project, and the current thoughts around 
> what controls are in place or planned. I know that a lot of the things below 
> have already been considered in the project prior to me coming on board so 
> the main aim for me is to run through the state of things, and start 
> capturing the B2G security model.
> Firstly I wanted to document some assumptions:
> - All B2G applications will be Web Apps - there is no such thing as native 
> applications. Some web apps may be treated differently though based on 
> security characteristics (e.g. Came shipped with the phone, loaded from 
> trusted location, local access only, served over SSL only etc)
> - B2G will ship with a number of included Web Apps (Gaia) to handle all the 
> tasks of running the device. These could potentially be replaced by the user 
> with alternatives
> - Web APIs will provide access to Web Apps so they can perform their desired 
> role. E.g. An app acting as a Dialer will need access to the Web Telephony 
> API, in order to to make telephone calls
> - Access to sensitive APIs will be controlled by permissions
> Threats Summary
> =============
> In order to discuss the security measures built into B2G, we need to discuss 
> the threats posed.The following is a high level list of threats for further 
> discussion:
> - Platform Vulnerabilities
>        - Exploit gives control of content process
>        - Attack against other processes (media server, rild etc)?
> - Malicious Web App
>        - User tricked installing malicious application
>        - Legitimate app is compromised at the network layer
>        - Compromised web app server for Web Apps hosted remotely
> - Vulnerable Web App
>        - Web application security threats (XSS, SQLi, etc)

^^^ One way to address this threat is to require that B2G apps have a
Content-Security-Policy that meets some minimum bar.  Chrome has
started doing this with its extensions and packaged apps (see
 You might want to do something similar.


>        - Framework weaknesses (same-origin bypass, privilege escalation, 
> abuse communication between apps?)
> - Lost device
>        - User data compromised
> Controls Summary
> =============
> In response to the above threats, what controls to we want to consider? The 
> following controls have come up in  various discussions. There are probably 
> other controls to be discussed/raised/captured as well.
> - Low-privileged processes and process sandboxing
>        - Web Apps will run in low-privileged process? How is this implemented?
>        - Segregation between less trusted and more trusted Web App
>        - What about other processes (media server, rild, etc)
> - Hardening of the underlying OS
>        - I've not seen any mention of this, but it has come up in security 
> discussions.
> - Segregation between Web Apps
>        - Separate by domain, other restrictions?
> - Restriction for Apps trusted with sensitive permissions
>        - local-only sandbox, network-only sandbox etc
>        - restrict cross-domain communication etc
>        - load only over SSL
>        - load only from trusted developer
>        - load once, then cache. Drop permissions if app changes (or prevent 
> from changing without update workflow)
> - Restricting permissions and protection against privilege escalation
> - Security restrictions for special Web App cases
>        - browser app (<iframe browser>,  other cases?)
>        - permissions manager
>        - others?
> - Data Protection
>        - Encryption
>        - Login
> Discussion is 5pm (PST) tomorrow (7th) using same phone conference as b2g 
> meeting.
> Cheers,
> Paul
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