[ Reposting via mail interface because attempts to cross-post responses in News appeared to cause my message to end up in approval queues for the relevant mail lists - and no one appears to have approved them, at least not in security and B2G ]

>The countdown annoyance could also be mitigated by adding an "always allow"
>option to the user countdown indicator or recording notification UI.  That
>way a user can grant her favorite alternative Camera application persisted
>access to immediate stream access.  Those two concepts combined solve the
>issues I identified earlier.
>The delay could actually be combined with a dialog as well - perhaps
>something like the typical "allow camera access?" dialog, but with a timer
>that defaults to the "yes, this time" option after a few seconds. The more
>opportunities the user has to permanently grant or deny camera access, the
>better the user experience becomes for apps the user actually intends to
>use - remember, ideally these security additions should impact the
>malicious apps more than apps that have a genuine need for camera access.

Enabling the camera off a timer seems very, very iffy to me.  There are
all sorts of ways that could go wrong and possible ways a malicious app
might find to hide the countdown or distract you from it - even as
simple as forcing an unusually long GC/CC, since we have a problem even
blinking cursors during GC/CC.  (This is just an example; my point was
timers open all sorts of avenues of attack.)

And it has the same issue with requester fatigue - the user gets inured
to "just click ok" anytime they see it; they stop reading to see *which*
app actually requested it, and with a timeout they have little time to
read it, or to consider, or to see if they should trust (check online
resources about "is this app trustworthy?"), etc.

Randell Jesup, Mozilla Corp

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