Hi servo-dev!

Servo exists to validate the idea that parallel browser architectures work. 
Going parallel isn't always a good thing, and can sometimes be worse if there's 
too much communication overhead. For example, in the current Servo design, 
javascript is run in a different task than layout. This is great, but it means 
that javascript calls that require communication between the tasks can incur a 
lot of overhead.

Consider this HTML/JS:


var ready = function() {
var ident = document.getElementById("some_div");
var left_sum = 0;
var top_sum = 0;
var right_sum = 0;
var bottom_sum = 0;
var t0 = +new Date();
for(var i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
  var rect = ident.getBoundingClientRect();
  left_sum   += rect.left;
  top_sum    += rect.top;
  right_sum  += rect.right;
  bottom_sum += rect.bottom;
var t1 = +new Date();

ident.appendChild(document.createTextNode("sums: (" + left_sum + ", " + top_sum 
+ ", " + right_sum + ", " + bottom_sum + ") "));
ident.appendChild(document.createTextNode("dt: " + (t1 - t0) + " ms"));

//document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", ready, false)
window.onload = ready;
<div id="some_div">Working...</div>

Running this on Firefox takes 500 ns/iteration. Chrome takes 700 ns/iteration.

Servo before [1] lands took 8100 ns! That's paying a lot (some would say too 
much) for a parallel architecture, when simple queries experience a 10x 

However, thanks to [1], Servo is down to 950 ns/iteration. This is very 
competitive with Firefox and Chrome, especially when considering the mutex 
involved. I'm sure with some micro-optimization work we can get closer.

Because of these results, I believe that communication overhead between script 
and layout can be (and has been) reduced to a competitive amount, while still 
maintaining the benefits of parallelization.

  - Clark

[1] https://github.com/servo/servo/pull/3164
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