On Aug 28, 2014, at 9:26 PM, Cameron Zwarich <zwar...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On Aug 28, 2014, at 5:45 PM, Clark Gaebel <cgae...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> Running this on Firefox takes 500 ns/iteration. Chrome takes 700 
>> ns/iteration.
>> Servo before [1] lands took 8100 ns! That's paying a lot (some would say too 
>> much) for a parallel architecture, when simple queries experience a 10x 
>> slowdown.
>> However, thanks to [1], Servo is down to 950 ns/iteration. This is very 
>> competitive with Firefox and Chrome, especially when considering the mutex 
>> involved. I'm sure with some micro-optimization work we can get closer.
> As a side point, why is there a 7 us overhead here for message-passing 
> between green threads? Is it really that bad? Are script and layout currently 
> green tasks, or did something land causing this to not be the case?

Yes, the current perf issue is a bug due to a workaround landed to move script 
onto a native task to avoid some bugs related to Servo's very-old SpiderMonkey 
but very-new Web Workers support:

That architecture will probably persist until we get a SpiderMonkey upgrade 
that will allow us to switch script back to also being on a green thread, per 
the discussion in this thread:

At that point, I'd expect script to layout calls via message passing to be much 
cheaper than a mutex acquisition, but would be very interested to see numbers 
comparing them!

In general, I'd be a little wary of adding global locks into Servo unless it's 
really necessary (i.e., if it turns out we can't architect away the race 
condition Cameron brought up in any other way). Since we haven't found a good 
way to do any concurrent protocol verification yet for Servo, it's really easy 
to end up writing deadlocky or racy code (mainly w.r.t. underlying native 
resource allocation/destruction). For example, I spent way too much time 
getting shutdown "cleaned up" so that we don't intermittently crash due to 
attempting to render to graphics contexts that had been destroyed too early, 
and that was just tracking through our spaghetti message passing code, with no 
locks to reason about.
- Lars

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