On 10/28/14 2:40 PM, Robert O'Callahan wrote:
OK, but I still have the general question of how your overflow-based
invalidation handles reflows. The basic problem is style changes to
element A can result in geometry changes to element B where B is not a
descendant of A. For example suppose <body> contains two DIV children A
and B and something changes the height of A so B moves down. How does
overflow-based invalidation ensure B is repainted?

In that case you have a change in "absolute position"† of B, which is computed as a top-down pass (with DL building on the way back up), which would cause an invalidation. So it's not just overflow regions that we use, it's overflow regions plus absolute position.


† Which is really not a good name--we should call it "page position" or something to avoid the obvious name clash with the unrelated CSS concept.

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