> Incidentally, I see no reason to move away from Azure, given how nice
> Direct2D is on Windows.

Chrome uses Skia on windows right? So this apparently isn't a big
enough win for them to justify a wrapper. I'm guessing they use ANGLES
there. I think the assumption in the room was that we could
conceivably do what they are doing.

There is perhaps performance overhead in using Azure and performance
overhead in using ANGLES. Those numbers would have to factor into the
decision, and I don't think we know what they are beyond Azure being
acceptable for Gecko.

> Nor do I think that it realistically makes sense to
> write our own rasterizer, given that we have no reason to believe that we'll
> do better than Direct2D/Skia-GL

Several people appear to disagree with this, including Nicolas Silva
later in this thread: "To be honest I think that there is a lot of
potential for improvement over what most browsers do today when it
comes to rasterization." In fact, I'd say the only reason this is
coming up for discussion is that people have reason to believe this
could be a net win somehow.

I'd like to set up some kind of follow up discussion on this topic
with a more complete participant list while we're all in Portland.

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