On 2017-03-21 2:17 PM, Charles Vandevoorde wrote:
Hi everybody!

My name is Charles Vandevoorde and I've been contributing to Servo for the last 
few monts under the name @charlesvdv. As the HTML off-main thread parsing is 
the only idea from Servo, I proposed to @jdm to unfork glutin.

@jdm told me that the idea is not enough for a full GSoC and proposed me to ask 
here if somebody has any idea to supplement my idea ?

Thank you,
Charles Vandevoorde

Hi again! I've chatted with some of the people on the team who have an opinion about Glutin, embedding, and Android, and it sounds like I was wrong in my belief that we still see upstream Glutin as a path forward. Its Android support doesn't match Servo's future needs, and I don't believe they intend to support the things we want, so it's not worth dedicating a GSoC project to attempting to merge our forked changes back into upstream at this point. Sorry!

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