> Le 2 juin 2017 à 18:22, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> a écrit :
> On 6/2/17 11:50 AM, Anthony Ramine wrote:
>>> Though not required, it’s a good idea to begin the commit message with a 
>>> single short (less than 50 character)
> Just so we're clear, 50 characters is about 9 words.

I haven't said we should use 50 chars, I was quoting the docs, that's all. I 
want a line length limit, I didn't say I want it to be that short. I would like 
our limit to be the same as the threshold over which GH truncates, which is 80 
I think.

>> - Fix style sharing of elements affected by id selectors
> No, that's not what it does.  Doing _that_ requires 4 separate changes, of 
> which this is but one.

Well as I said, I don't know what the actual patch is about and the original 
title didn't help.

>> - Share styles of elements affected by id selectors (only?)
> No, that's not what it does either.  Again, it's a step on the way to doing 
> that.

What was that step? The title you pasted doesn't say what it was about, it only 
said what was wrong without it.

> It seems to me like the "50 character" rule is pretty hostile to fine-grained 
> changesets, basically.

Agree about 50, not about the concept of a limit in general.

I often do fine-grained changesets and it very rarely was an issue. In the few 
cases it was, I took it as a hint that I should be writing a longer explanation 
in the actual message that wouldn't fit the title anyway.

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