I'd like to improve Servos keyboard support.

At the moment Servo assumes everyone uses US-keyboards and allows only entering ASCII characters in forms. While KeyboardEvents are supported they are not created for keys present on international keyboards.

Servo should try to conform to the Keyboard Events from the UI Events specification. [1] But this is not sufficient to allow entry of accented and other combined characters with dead keys in input fields. For this reason I propose to use internal "CharacterEvents" that use the character sequences provided by the operating system for keyboard input in addition to the keysyms and scancodes useful for shortcuts and navigation. It is not really possible to join these two events (as it is done currently in servo) because they are independent in Windows and there are cases where it is not possible to associate a key to a character sequence.

I can think of at least two different ways to approach the problem:
* Extend glutin (or to be more precise winit) to capture more input information. After winit provides all information necessary to implement correct keyboard input Servo can make use of it. * Extend Servo first and only use the information provided by glutin. This means while servo implements keyboard input embedders will at first only use a small part of it.

There is currently work done to unfork glutin in servo and to use the upstream crate. [2] This allows Servo to take advantage of some improvements for keyboard input inside glutin. Also other projects can benefit from improvements to glutin if servo gets better keyboard handling.

There is quite some information that needs to be represented about keyboard inputs. This information needs to be provided be glutin or other embedders of servo. I would represent it like this:

One, character input, one codepoint at a time. This `WindowEvent::ReceivedCharacter` in glutin. Joining these characters together forms a text like in a text editor. All accents, foreign scripts etc. are preserved. This is also used for input not from a keyboard but from another inputs like voice or handwriting.

Two, key events. You need to know the "key" which is either a character like "a", "1", "ß" or it is a name like "Enter". Since the names are a fixed list they can be represented as an enum with a "Character" variant for printable keys. These keys are equivalent to keysyms provided by most platforms. Additionally the web standards has a "code" property describing the physical location of the key independent from the locale. Often scancodes can be used to detect these. They can also be represented as an enum. Of course it needs to be stored if it is a "keydown" or "keyup" event. Additionally a list of "modifiers" like "Shift" and "Alt" need to be transmitted alongside the event. This can be a struct with a lot of boolean fields. All other properties of key events in JS can be computed from these values.

I propose to place these data structures in a separate crate to be used by both servo and glutin and possibly other projects wanting to use keyboard input similar to the web.

To limit the scope of this proposal I do not intend to support composition events or IMEs.

What is your opinion on this and what can be improved from this proposal?


[1]: https://www.w3.org/TR/uievents/#events-keyboardevents
[2]: https://github.com/servo/servo/pull/17311

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