On 18/10/2017 21:09, Gregory Szorc wrote:
Having somewhat recently overhauled Mercurial’s TLS code, I can tell
you that Python installs without the ssl module additions added in
2.7.9 are still quite common in the wild. I suspect that requiring
SNI support in the Python client will draw ire from a significant

Also, there are versions of Python <2.7.9 that have the ssl module
improvements backported. For example, RHEL/CentOS 7 ship a Python
2.7.5 that has all the ssl goodies from 2.7.9.

Good to know, thanks.

So please look for presence of attributes on the ssl module instead
of version sniffing.

Something like this?

        from ssl import HAS_SNI
    except ImportError:
        HAS_SNI = False

If I were in your shoes, I would provide a hostname without SNI as a
fallback. (I’m assuming you aren’t willing to do non-SNI CDN for cost
reasons - last I looked this was somewhat costly.) I.e. the script
would attempt to use CDN+SNI and fall back to a single homed service
if the client lacks modern crypto.

Part of the issue here is that we (the Servo team) are not the ones providing the hostname. The Rust team recently declared everything other than static.rust-lang.org (the one that requires SNI) to be “considered private and unstable — use at your own risk”.


And it’s not just a matter of updated our scripts when the server setup changes, I’d like old git commits to keep working. (To the extend reasonably possible.)

Assuming you are using CloudFront backed by S3, the fallback could be
the generic per-region S3 hostname. This is how we handle “clone
bundle” hosting for hg.mozilla.org.
It is definitely S3, and I believe it is CloudFront. And yes, https://static-rust-lang-org.s3.amazonaws.com/ is what we use at the moment.

I’ll discuss with the Rust team to see if they’re willing to commit to supporting some non-SNI hostname.

Simon Sapin
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