Jay Potter wrote:
> Nelson,
> We are planning on using a USB device that has keys for various vendors
> in a "private" area.  The USB device can generate a session key based
> upon that secret vendor key.  The Server can autogenerate that same
> session key.  The session key does not have to be passed.
> The external module communicates with the USB device.  If the device is
> removed, communication cannot take place.  When the module communicates
> with the USB device, it authenticates that the device belongs to the
> client, and then and only then will generate the session key for the
> vendor.
> There is no authentication requried across the network only to the local
> USB device, something the client can take with him from machine to machine.
> Currently I'm thinking of an extenstion to firefox that would be called
> by the browser when the session key is needed.  That extension would
> provide the interface to the USB device.

Jay, you don't need a browser extension.  You need a PKCS#11 module.

> Nothing would be transmitted across the network that can be used to
> generate the session key.  The session key changes without human
> intervention.  The uses only authenticates to the device that he carries
> with him.   He doesn't leave any certificates behind that can be used by
> anyone else.  This seems to be a very secure system that would be very
> hard to comprimise, as the keys are never on a client machine to
> intercept, and nothing can be intercepted that can be used to generate
> or guess at the key.
> The USB token is already developed.  It holds hundreds of unique vendor
> keys, handles AES-256, generates true random numbers and handles the
> secure communication required.  We are working on the external module,
> now what we need is the PKS-TLS-AES Cipher.

Perfect match for a PKCS#11 module.

Plus, given that PKCS#11 is a truly standard API, not specific to any
one application (such as a mozilla browser), it will (potentially) work
with LOTS of applications.

Go check out PKCS#11 (and other PKCS standards) at

> We are thinking that this shouldn't be to hard to impliment, as the RFC
> 4279 clienthello and ServerHello are pretty much the same as standard
> TLS.  After that it just passes and "identity" string back and forth.
> Then the module would provide the PSK to set up the communication and
> then it should be on autopilot.
> Jay

Nelson B
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