Paul Santapau wrote:
> Nelson B escribió:

>>All the error codes for TBird's crypto are negative numbers, in the
>>range -6000 .. -12288  and the number 1028 isn't in that range.

> Ok, good guess ;-). But the number that appears is really 1028
> between parenthesis. I can send u an snapshoot if wanted,
> the only thing is that it is in spanish.

Then that number must be a peculiarity of the Spanish localization
of Thunderbird.  Probably should be reported as a bug.

>>NSS (TBird's crypto code) doesn't presently accept critical Policies

> Ok, and just in case some application wants to handle that critical
> extension, How can the application do it?  What kind of check is
> nedded?.

In this case, the application using NSS is Thunderbird.
However, NSS's cert validation is not presently application-extensible.
Handling of critical policy extensions is planned for NSS 3.12, which
should be released (much) later this year.

>>>    Data:
>>>        Policy Name: OID.
>>>            Policy Qualifier Name: PKIX User Notice Qualifier
>>>                Display Text: ".C.e.r.t.i.f.i.c.a.d.o. .p.a.r.a. .a.p

> How did you get the Display Text? Did you used any nss tool?, I have try it
> with some tools but i cannot get that text, just a stream of unicoded bytes
> to decode.

I used NSS's pretty printing tool, pp.
Peter Gutmann's dumpasn1 tool would also do it.  (google for it)

> Thank you very much for solving my issue Nelson.

See if your CA will reissue the cert with a non-critical policy extension.
If so, that will solve your problem most quickly.

Nelson B
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