I was right-clicking the cert Windows Explorer (file manager) and
opening the cert with MS Crypto Shell Extensions. But I was importing
and attempting to sign code with the NSS tools.

I've imported the certificate into a db in the current folder using NSS
  > certutil -A -n "SingShot Object Signing" -t "TCu,TCu,TCu" -d . -i

When I do
  > certutil -L -d .
I get:
  > SingShot Object Signing     CT,C,C
  > myTestCert                        u,u,Cu

Should there be a 'u' in the 3rd column for the 'SingShot Object
Signing' cert if it's valid for signing code? I suppose that might be
the difference between my Thawte and temporary certs.

How can I tell whether my certificate will even work for signing code
using NSS tools?

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