Jim Spring wrote:

> At least when browsing:
> http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/intro.html
> It looks like it should be possible to use the static
> libraries built on windows by linking against nss.lib,
> ssl.lib, and libnspr4_s.lib.  However, this does not
> appear to be working properly -- when linking I am getting
> a whole lot of unresolved symbol messages.  (I am using NSS
> in an external application...)
> I guess the basic question is, does NSS actually support
> building and using static libraries?  Is there any voodoo
> necessary to get it to work?

Jim Spring!  Long time, no see!

Actually, quite a few of the NSS command line tools link with NSS static
libs.  See a list of them with this URL:

I suggest you build one of them and look at its link command and follow
that example.

Nelson B
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