Hi Pablo,
You are certainly not alone!
There are MILLIONS of people using similar features in the EU.

To my knowledge no major provider (bank, e-government, enterprise)
use signText or CAPICOM because in addition to being pretty different,
they are also rather limited.  Regarding the latter: Who wants to read
a complex document [to be signed] as plain-text?   In the physical
world I have yet to see such a document (without going 20+ years
back in time).

But since the "home-market" for the two leading browser vendors,
do currently not use on-line signatures, it seems that useful signature
features will be created by other parties.

I'm personally involved in one of the maybe twenty, entirely disparate
"e-sign" missions going on in the e-government space:


In case you need something now, I suggest looking into the following
cross-browser solution:


It is a bit primitive IMHO, but it supports XML signatures and is currently
being upgraded to support other formats than plain-text.

Regarding signature validation, this is (in existing usages at least), performed
by the requesting server and does (IMHO) not really belong in a browser,
although CAPICOM indeed can do this.

Anders Rundgren

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Pablo Andrade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: mozilla.dev.tech.crypto
To: <dev-tech-crypto@lists.mozilla.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 18:30
Subject: Sign/Verify text in FireFox


i am trying to sign and verify a text using a x509 certificate. I found a 
Javascript Crypto object that implements a SignText method, but there is no 
Verify method.

Only help found at http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/JavaScript_crypto 
but lacks of description of Crypto class interface.

I need to have similar functionality as in IE/CAPICOM

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks and regards.

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