Richard Levenberg wrote:
> Neither RFC2511 or PKCS10 (Certificate Request specifications) mention 
> the use of SPKAC. I'm pretty sure that SPKAC doesn't fit within PKCS10 
> but I've only cursorily looked at RFC2511 so I'm not positive that a 
> SPKAC couldn't be hammered in there somewhere. I know that many toolkits 
> handle the SPKAC but I was wondering if any specification included it a 
> a component of Certificate Requests.


I didn't recognize the term "SPKAC" and didn't find it anywhere in mozilla
sources or documentation.  So I did some digging and found this.

The term "SPKAC" seems to be a term from OpenSSL documentation, a name
for the format and content of the DER-encoded data sent by a Netscape
or mozilla browser in response to a <KEYGEN> tag.

NSS seems to call it a PKAC, which is short for "Public Key And Challenge".
NSS has a structure named CERTPublicKeyAndChallenge for this.

I found only one function in NSS that knows anything about that.
It is SECKEY_ConvertAndDecodePublicKeyAndChallenge.  It parses an
input DER-encoded PKAC, and it is not called from any NSS libraries
or QA test programs.  NSS has no code to create a PKAC, but PSM does.
Therefore I consider NSS's PKAC code to be a misplaced part of PSM.

PSM encodes PKACs, apparently for <KEYGEN> tags.  See

Now, to your question, which I gather is essentially "What standard (if any)
defines the PKAC that mozilla sends in response to <KEYGEN> tags?"

I think the short answers are:
a) I don't know yet, and
b) probably none!

I'll ask our PSM guru to look at this.

Nelson B
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