I am being asked for CKM_RSA_PKCS -- I am PKCS 1.5 encoding the input for encryption, the result I get back already is 128 bytes (RSA 1024). I am not sure how I am suppose to encode something that is already at the maximum allowed length.

The input data is ASN1 encoded, so I encode and encrypt the whole block.
then send it to the card. The result back is 128 bytes which I am currently supplying back to TB without any format. I can independently verify the signature using rsautil and raw apdu's to the card but TB still doesn't like it. I am still confused on how the data should be returned back to TB --

Thanks for your help


Bob Relyea wrote:
Christian Bongiorno wrote:
I am currently trying to sign some data in tbird and the signature is not valid.

The incoming data I get (C_Sign()) is an ASN1_STRING of the SHA1 hash of the message. Currently, I am encrypting the whole thing and returning raw data back.

Should I be decoding the ASN1 input, encrypting the hash, then returning it as ASN1 encoded?
Depends on the mechanism that you have been asked for:
CKM_RSA_X509 - just encrypted the data with no additional formatting.
CKM_RSA_PKCS - format the block with PKCS 1.5 encoding. The block should be formatted as is, if raw hashes are passed in, format the raw hashes, if ASN1 encoded data, encode that whole block.

See section 12.1.6 and 12.1.12 of the PKCS #11 spec (version 2.20).


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