Wan-Teh Chang wrote:
> Rob Crittenden wrote:
>> One change I've made from tstclnt is using PR_ConnectContinue()
>> instead of PR_GetConnectStatus() which is deprecated.
>> The socket is already connected by the time I start doing any NSS
>> calls. I'm getting a connected socket and pushing SSL on top of that
>> (rather than doing PR_Connect() myself).
>> Do you know if this comment from tstclnt is still true?
>> /* Must milliPause between PR_Poll and PR_GetConnectStatus,
>>  * Or else winsock gets mighty confused.
>>  * Sleep(0);
>> Do I really need a millisecond pause between the poll and
>> PR_ConnectContinue()?
> You don't need to do that now.  PR_ConnectContinue calls Sleep(0)
> for you.  See the Sleep(0) call in prsocket.c
> http://lxr.mozilla.org/nspr/search?string=Sleep%280%29
> That comment should be removed from tstclnt.

Only if/when tstclnt is changed to use PR_ConnectContinue()
instead of PR_GetConnectStatus(), right?

> Wan-Teh
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