I have a simple question to you but I could not find easily the answer
with Internet search.
I am working for a CA in Turkey (namely, TURKTRUST) and we are
applying root certificate program for major vendors and browsers.
We are currently added into Mozilla and Microsoft trusted CA lists and
currently keeping in touch with Apple and Opera.
On the other hand, I could not find such kind of "Root Certificate
Program" for SUN (i.e. Java KeyStore).
http://docs.sun.com/source/819-6255/what_certs.html  gives the list of
trusted CAs.
If you have any idea, could you please direct me by giving a contact
person or URL to apply our CA in the trust list of SUN (Secure Global
Desktop)? How can we get included into Java KeyStore?

Thanks for your answer, all the best

TURKTRUST Representative
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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