Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
> Even though the Comodo request has been approved, I wonder about two 
> additional points which you haven't addressed at all:
> The first is about having CA roots with wrong details in NSS, like 
> companies which effectively don't exist anymore (AddTrust AB, UTN), 
> location (Sweden, Utah) and other information irrelevant and incorrect.

To the extent that this information is in the certificates themselves, 
we can't change it. I guess we could look at changing the "friendly 
names" which NSS uses to refer to the certs, but that might be confusing 
for people who actually look at the root list in the various versions of 
Firefox. I think there's also an issue with how the certs get displayed 
in the Firefox certificate manager display window, based on what the 
cert contents are; I recall a comment from Kai (I think) about this in a 
bug I looked at recently, but can't recall the bug number or what the 
exact issue was.

> The second is about the audit statements which refer to a specific part 
> and location of the CA business, like New Jersey.

I didn't think this was a material issue with respect to Comodo's 
overall compliance with the EV guidelines, and so left it out of my 


Frank Hecker
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