
  We would like to announce here that the University Jaume I has
  developed a multi porpouse digital signature applet that allows
  Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox to do digital signatures
  on client side.
  The applet is able to deal with mozilla's software pkcs#11  
  and it is also able to list the certificates stored through this pkcs#11
  as well as some pkcs#11 accessed hardware devices.

  The applet is GPLv2 and is currently being developed
  on a stable phase, the code is also available.

  It is able to represent the signature on
  diverse formats such PKCS#1, PKCS#7, XMLDsig, PDF and PDF with
  timestamp and XAdES-X-L.

  The project is here [1], by this time we are writing the documentation
  in english that will be available in short, you can take a look to the
  examples if interested.

[1] http://proyectostic.uji.es/cryptoapplet/index_en.html
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