Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
> It's pretty apparent that NONE of the people who have been responding to
> you in this thread had any idea that you were affiliated with Mozilla.
> I think this may be the first thread in which you've ever posted in this
> list/newsgroup.  Maybe you should introduce yourself.  You may be well
> known in certain circles, but in this newsgroup, you're unknown.
> Personally, I will look for confirmation from Frank before proceeding.

I'm sorry, proceeding with what?

>> Should I draw the conclusion from your comments that you are now the new 
>> person in charge of certificates for Mozilla Foundation replacing Gerv?
> As NSS module co-owner, I share in the responsibility for ensuring that
> the certs put into NSS have followed Mozilla's policy.

And to add to this, for Pascal's benefit: I am responsible for the 
overall process of evaluating root CA certificates for inclusion in 
Mozilla, and I make the final decisions. Gerv has been at school and so 
has not been involved with certificate stuff for the past 9 months or 
so; however he may do some cert-related work this summer. Finally, we 
have a new person, Kathleen Wilson, helping gather information from CAs 
for use in our evaluation.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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