I've been looking at a request from Entrust (bug 416544) to (among other 
things) have its new Entrust Root Certification Authority root enabled 
for EV. This is a new Entrust root that was approved for inclusion last 
year by Gerv (bug 382352) and subsequently added to NSS (bug 387892).

(NOTE: This has nothing to do with Entrust legacy roots in NSS, and 
nothing to do with Entrust cross-signing of other CA's roots. AFAICT 
this root is used only for Entrust EV certificates. In bug 416544 
Entrust has also requested EV status for its legacy roots, but I'm 
handling that as a separate issue.)

Entrust recently completed and published a WebTrust EV audit for this 
root. (There's a WebTrust audit as well.) At first glance everything 
looks in order. I'm therefore opening up an initial public comment 
period for this request. At the end of that comment period I'll make a 
preliminary determination whether to approve the request or not, and 
then we'll have a final public comment period before I make a final 

This idea of having two comment periods is one I think I mentioned 
previously in this forum. You can consider this a first call for 
comments, and then we'll have a last call if/when I do a preliminary 
approval. This is the first time we've done it this way, so I'll 
arbitrarily set the first comment period at 2 weeks, and the second one 
at 1 week; we can make these longer or shorter as needed.

For more information about the Entrust EV request please see the pending 
list entry for Entrust:


For more information about the previous request from last year please 
see the Entrust entry in the included list:


Note that I checked in Entrust-related updates for these list just a few 
minutes ago, so it may take an hour or two for them to show up on the site.


Frank Hecker
dev-tech-crypto mailing list

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