Eddy Nigg wrote:
I believe that the policy (and/or other relevant policy guiding statements) should be clear in respect what Mozilla requires from the CAs.

It's a nice ideal, but I wonder myself whether it can be achieved. This is one of the reasons why we have ended up with the race-to-the-bottom in secure browsing; necessitating (?) the EV thing, etc etc.

Here we are, 14 years after this started, and we still haven't got a "clear and reasonable" regime. That should tell us something :)

Not that I disagree with your central point that it *should be* clear, it is just that I wonder if it can be clear.

This is important for planning and preparing for the CAs themselves, it's important for us in order to make the right judgment. I think that a case-by-case approach is at least unfair and hardly sustainable in the long term.

"Yep, exactly, but..."

I think in some cases it might make sense to
require audits for all subordinates, and in some cases it might not.

Can you define those cases?

I think if the subroots were managed by the lead CA, and the CPS said they were under the same set of policies, then there would be little point in requiring separate audits.

If on the other hand they were managed by other organisations, and they were not under some agreement, then there is an open-ended question, so it might make sense to say (in a Mozo requirement) that uncontrolled subroots are to be separately audited.

The problem then being that between those two points there is an awful lot of space.

What are the requirements and where doesn't and where does it make sense? How to draw the line? You must be specific in order for us to understand the differences!

Well, I suspect Mozo doesn't know. Demanding a solution isn't going to result in a solution, but it might result in a line being drawn. Then, in 2 years we'll be back here challenging that line, and grumbling about how some smart CA crossed the line or bent it or broke it or made lotsa dosh or something.

In such a circumstance, case-by-case makes sense. Mozo might benefit by letting the market experiment. That old socialism stuff where we tell everyone what they have to do is so out of style these days (although you wouldn't know it if you looked at the finance markets ;) .

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