...as the story unfolds in front of us just before the holiday season, I'm going to provide more information and try to summarize the recent event(s). Nevertheless I wish to everybody happy Hanukkah and Xmas.

Hereby the facts about Comodo and recent events:

- Registration Authority (RA) of Comodo operates a robot to search for SSL secured sites. - Same RA sends email messages to the owners of those sites, by pretending that the site owner has to renew the certificate with them (spam + misleading).
- Same RA ignores complaints, so does Comodo (at least initially).
- Same RA issues domain control validated certificates without validating.
- Comodo fails to have sufficient controls in place to prevent such issuance. - Comodo fails to have controls in place to prevent issuance of high-profile targets (like Mozilla, Microsoft, Paypal, etc.) - Comodo fails to (self) audit the facilities of the RA and its implementations.
- Comodo maintains many RAs and Resellers.

Additionally I received testimonials and evidences [1] that resellers (apparently mainly hosting providers) don't use a central domain validation utility or checks, instead there is a confirmation checkbox. Comodo delays the issuance of some of the certificates which it receives from resellers. According to the testimonial, they compare the data submitted with the WHOIS records on these spot checks. No email ping or web site modification check is performed to retain evidence about domain control by the requesting party (or authorization thereof). With this we can assume that

- Comodo does not perform domain control validation.
- Comodo has not sufficient controls in place to prevent issuance of fraudulent certificates by resellers and RAs. - Comodo issued unvalidated server certificates (according to their own accounts and myself). Such certificates may be still valid and in the wild.
- Comodo fails to conform to the Mozilla CA Policy in various accounts.

I have received also testimonials that Mozilla and Microsoft received previously complaints and evidences about the business practices of Comodo. I'm not aware which specific actions were taken back then. However I'm quoting Frank Hecker's summary after the "inclusion" discussion of Comodo from April 08,

"...discussions around various Comodo-related issues, most notably the
wildcard DV cert issue and the long-lived DV cert issue. Although I
acknowledge that there were/are valid concerns associated with those

which were concerns raised by myself back then. Unfortunately the failures by Comodo listed above and their issuance policy for long-living low-assurance and wild card certificates makes it even worse. In light of the recent events and in light of the collective potential damage to all certification authorities which those events may have caused, and in light of the potential damage to relying parties, I request immediate and appropriate actions by Mozilla and other browser vendors. I also request from Comodo to urgently review their practices, implementations and controls in place and take appropriate actions.

[1] As I'm writing this mail, I'm receiving more evidences, testimonials and phone calls by people in the knowledge. I'll present all the material to Frank once he gets in touch with me.


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