Kyle Hamilton wrote, On 2008-12-31 06:36 PST:
> KyleMac:.netscape kyanha$ modutil -add roots -libfile
> /Applications/ -dbdir .
> WARNING: Performing this operation while the browser is running could cause
> corruption of your security databases. If the browser is currently running,
> you should exit browser before continuing this operation. Type
> 'q <enter>' to abort, or <enter> to continue:
> Using database directory ....
> ERROR: Failed to add module "roots". Probable cause : "Unknown error: -2804".
> KyleMac:.netscape kyanha$
> (The architecture is 'i386' on all of modutil, certutil, and 
> libnssckbi.dylib.)

Kyle, Please file a bug about this.  Product: NSS, component: Libraries

Error -2804 is not a known NSS or NSPR error code.  It's not even in the
range of known error codes.  The known ranges are:
    -5k+1 ... -6k     NSPR
    -7k+1 ... -8k     NSS
   -11k+1 ... -12k    SSL

So, this failure is a mystery.

Note also that if the nssckbi file is in the directory where the DBs live,
it should get loaded automatically, even if it's not in the secmod DB.
But given the failure you're seeing, I'd be surprised if that works for you.
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