Jean-Marc Desperrier wrote:
> Nelson B Bolyard wrote:
>> The problem is in the way that Mozilla builds JEMalloc for FF on Windows.
>> They build a replacement for the Microsoft C RunTime Library.  This
>> replacement is a hybrid, built in part from JEMalloc source code, and in
>> part from Microsoft's source code for MSVCRT, which source code is ONLY
>> available with the professional edition of the MSVC compiler.
> You know Nelson, I spent a little time investigating this, and whilst it
> would be some work to create a fully open source alternative, it would
> not be *that* much work. A good starting point is the reimplementation
> of MSVCRT in Wine (but there might be also some low level .obj to
> rewrite in addition *and* Wine does not have the latest version of MSVCRT).
> So the best solution would be for one of those people that this
> situation really annoys to just do it instead of complaining.

Perhaps if NSS was developed exclusively for use in Firefox, that would
make sense.  But of all the many products that use NSS, only Firefox
uses this unusual CRT.  I can't justify taking time away from developing
NSS features (or fixing NSS bugs) that affect all products that use NSS
just to go and develop a special library that will enable me to test my
NSS builds with FF nightly builds.  So my choices are:

a) Don't test my NSS builds with FF at all, or
b) test my NSS builds with old FF builds from before the time when FF
used its own custom CRT,
c) build my own FF from scratch, just to avoid any dependence on that
custom CRT.
d) acquire VC2005pro, and try to build mozilla's CRT with that.

Since the advent of the new custom CRT, I think most NSS developers do a,
frankly.  Presently I do b.  I'm working on d in my copious spare time.

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