Please provide a URL for the bugzilla bug that you filed.  It was evidently
filed in a different bugzilla than mozilla.org's.

> I've just created an application that generates .p12 certificates. I can
> import them correctly onto the windows keystore with no problem and all
> the extensions are there as well as the information.
> Before you ask yes I am sure I'm using the proper password! ;-)
> Password is 123456. I'm attaching the p12 file to this question.

Binary attachments don't work in this newsgroup.

> Can anyone see a reason to why this isnt imported by FF?

I suspect that it WAS imported, but that you're not seeing it.  If the
import had failed, I think you would have seen an error report.

Understand that FF has one cert DB.  The 5 tabs that you see in certificate
manager, "Your Certificates", "People", "Servers", "Authorities", and
"Others", merely show the results of 5 different queries on that database.

When you import a cert (and/or private key) it is imported into the one
database, regardless of which tab you were viewing when you imported it.
There is no guarantee that the certificate will be displayed in the tab
that you were viewing when you imported it.  If you import a cert, and
Firefox thinks it belongs in (say) Authorities or Other, that's where it
will appear, regardless of how you imported it.

Finally, it may be that Firefox cannot display your certificate because your
certificate lacks the necessary fields for Firefox's display.
Firefox expects that every cert's subject name has a "Common Name" (CN),
and that every cert's issuer name has an Organization (O) name.
If your cert lacks those things, Firefox may not be able to display it in
the list of certs in Cert Manager.
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