On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 10:42:38AM -0700, Robert Relyea wrote:
> So to understand correctly, MD-5 is implemented in a series of  
> operations module 2^32, so you can treat the whole thing as a GF(2^n)  
> ring. I believe this is a ring (2 doesn't have a multiplicative  
> inverse), not a field (there exists a field order 2^32, but it's from
> by  
> polynomial arithmetic mod 2 all mod an irreducible polynomial). It  
> appears that this doesn't matter since goebner basis appears to work
> for  
> rings as well as fields.

no, you have misunderstood.

i am working over the field with 2 elements GF(2) and i emulate md5 with
multivariate polynomials over it.

when md5 uses A AND B, A,B are bits, i use: 
NOT A is 
1 + A.
(you may check by bruteforcing numerically).
addition modulo 2^32 is emulated with ADDER - roughly speaking the way
CPU adds ints.

in the end i get a large nonlinear polynomial system. i can't find the complete 
solution, but
sometimes i can find partial solutions. partial solutions are internal
md5 states (bits)

say the final system is 9000 equations in a little less variables.
polybori tries to solve it and tells me: 
part of the solution is x7000=1
for me this means internal state, say, 58_resbit_10 = 1

>> example of what the proggie finds.
> You'll have to explain this. I presume this is a utility under sane?

huh? the program must be run under "sage 3.4.1"

> An md5 input had two components, internal state and next block to
> hash.  
> The question is, are you calculating a solution for both (internal
> state  
> & next block to hash), or are you calculating next block to hash given
> a  
> fixed internal state?

i am not sure i understand this. currently i work with 16 bytes input
(128 bits) and this is only one md5 block. clarify if you need more

> Also, is your partial result, these are bits in the md5 hash. It
> appears  

these are not bits in the hash. these are bits in the internal state.

> you are finding partial results for certain states. Are these states  
> going fbackwards or forwards (that is are you finding results of what  
> the step 3 bits in step 57 and 9 bits in step 58 *should be* to get
> the  
> final result, or are you finding input values that generate 3 correct  
> bits in step 57 and 9 in step 58). The former is not as interesting as  

i am finding some bits in step 58 and 57. if the proggie is correct,
these bits are correct internal states for the attacked hash. i have no
information about the *input bits* yet.

> the latter. Have you ran it significantly longer to find more bits in  
> later states? I'm not sure, but I think there are 2nd pre-image
> attacks  
> to partial rounds of MD-5 already.

no, i don't find much more bits.
part of the problem is the groebner solver polybori crashes with SEGV on
``interesting systems''
though finding even several internal states makes my life easier:
it may save costy additions mod 2^32, it overdetermines the final
system, possibly some trick with inverting the final steps may be

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