I've been looking at the problem of different libraries/different clients each with their own private key/cert db in a single process (for example, the Thunderbird ldap/nss_ldap problem). In this case, the user may want nss_ldap to keep its certs and keys (including ca certs) separate from those used by Thunderbird. I think it could work by first creating a token based on a unique key (e.g. to use the openldap config directives, a unique combination of cacertfile, cacertdir, certfile, and keyfile). Then call SECMOD_OpenUserDB() to create a private db based on that token, and import CA certs into this db (from pem files, for example). This function returns a PK11SlotInfo * - how do you get a CERTCertDBHandle * given that slot pointer? If I get this, I think I can use this to import certs, use for various VerifyCert functions, and even pass to SSL_CertDBHandleSet to use this cert DB for SSL.
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